Balboa Island Residence Great Room
Balboa Island Residence Great Room

by Greg Geilman for BWID


Wabi-Sabi is the idea of squashing the impossible ideal of perfection and embracing the imperfect nature of life. Instead of becoming irritated with flaws, the concept teaches us to embrace and feature them. The Wabi-Sabi philosophy is one of the latest rising trends in interior design for many reasons. This isn't an all-or-nothing kind of style, so even those looking to focus on other aesthetics may find something they like in Wabi-Sabi.

A Brief History of Wabi-Sabi
Wabi-Sabi stems from Japanese Zen Buddhism. It was a kind of reaction to the popular trends of the 15th century that focused on lavish decor and over-ornamentation. It can be looked at as a form of mindfuln...

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Bedroom Tips: Accessorizing the Minimalist Way

For 2018, minimalism is expected to remain a hot trend in interior design. Even though many people are going for brighter color schemes and floral accents, Houzz editor Mitchell Parker said that homeowners still want simplicity when it comes to their bedrooms. He noted that neutral color palettes and simple furniture pieces will still be popular when it comes to bedroom decor. A major reason for this is because the aesthetic has been known to help cultivate sleep and relaxation. Certain elements of the design are noted to have soothing psychological benefits for the occupants, so in this article we will show the connection between minimalist desi...

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